虹吸 Siphon #001|刘耀华:生命之水
刘耀华 Liu Yaohua
冯兮 Feng Xi
Usige Beatha
开幕时间/Opening: 2022.08.27 15:00
展览时间/Exhibition Duration: 2022.08.27 - 2022.08.28
地点/Address: 北京市朝阳区798艺术区中二街 SIMULACRA
SIMULACRA, Zhonger Street,798 Art District,
Whiskey一词源于爱尔兰盖尔语的“Uisge Beatha”,意为“生命之水”。
刘耀华《生命之水》作为虹吸项目首展将于8月27日准时在 SIMULACRA上演。届时艺术家将精心打造一场盛大的威士忌酒会,为大家带来数十瓶来自不同国家和产区的威士忌。同时作为一名资深的威士忌爱好者,他也会在现场向观众讲解威士忌的历史、酿造工艺以及风味特点等,并分享自己多年来的品饮经验。当然,这不可能是一场常规的酒会。本次展览中的威士忌有部分由艺术家的尿液加工灌装而成,请大家仔细辨认,以免误饮。
Whiskey is derived from the Irish Gaelic word 'Uisge Beatha,' which stands for 'water of life.'
Uisge Beatha will be presented at SIMULACRA on 27 August as the premiere exhibition of Project Siphon. On an opening day, the artist will host a grand whiskey tasting party offering dozens of bottles from various countries and regions. As a veteran whisky enthusiast, he will also be on hand to explain the history of whisky, the distillation process, and flavor profiles and share his own tasting experiences over the years. Of course, this is not going to be a regular drinking party. Some of the whiskies in this exhibition are made from the artist's urine. Please identify them carefully so that you do not drink them by mistake.
The "Uisge Beatha" is precious, and we welcome you to enjoy it!
Liu Yaohua
Liu Yaohua, born in 1982, lives in Beijing, one of the Three Great Masters of Jinzhan, Chaoyang .
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